More Industry Props for Brighton & Hove Planners

For once, I was delighted to read a Tory press release today:

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Urban study the best in south east

A city-wide study that has analysed the special character of 32 neighbourhoods has been voted the best planning strategy in south east England.

Brighton & Hove’s Urban Characterisation Study was given the regional award by the Royal Town Planning Institute.

The study provides a wealth of information about how various neighbourhoods within the city have developed, including a description and analysis of those qualities that will guide planning decisions on future developments.

Planners will use the study to decide what types of development will best improve and fit in with different areas of the city. The study makes it easier to see the impact a proposed development would have on the individual neighbourhood, as well as the city as a whole. It also provides guidance to developers.

Brighton & Hove’s Urban Characterisation Study has analysed the special character of 32 neighbourhoods, from historic downland settlements and Victorian suburbs to the late 20th century Marina development.

Councillor Geoffrey Theobald [who he?], Brighton & Hove’s cabinet member for environment, said: “Other planning authorities have shown a keen interest in our study. Our staff have put in a lot of time and effort and have produced an easy to understand guide describing the make up of the city and the past influences on its development and identity.

“The study highlights areas that could be improved and these will be taken forward through the Local Development Framework which sets out planning policy for future years.”

The study has been written, illustrated and produced in-house by the Design and Conservation Team of City Planning. The methodology has been taken up by other planning authorities, particularly London boroughs and Southampton City Council, as a model for their own studies.

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The Urban Characterisation Study is an excellent and inspiring piece of work, and I'm thrilled that those who've worked on it have received due acclaim. Well done to you all :)