I think I last heard Morrissey (who has consistently viewed the media with suspicion throughout his career) on the radio in June 1986 when he made a rare-as-rockinghorse-s*** appearance to preview The Queen is Dead on Tony "the Greek" Michaelides' *alternative show* on Piccadilly Radio, a much-missed independent Manchester station where Chris Evans began his career as Timmy Mallett's sidekick (not to mention OOH Gary Davies...).
I can remember so vividly sitting in my bedroom, hoping my tape deck was working, hanging on Mozza's every word, transported by the new songs I was hearing, counting the minutes down till I could buy my very own copy (on vinyl, natch). Ah, happy days**.
So roll on 11.15am on Sunday morning! I predict we will hear at least one if not all of the following:
1. Elvis
2. Twinkle
3. Cilla Black
4. Sandie Shaw
5. The Smiths ;)
Happy listening, readers!
PS OMG! Tony the Greek is a blogger! And he's thinking about making a radio comeback! Do it Tony, DO IT!
*I can claim no credit for this witticism - it's the name of a Brighton club night devoted to all things Smiths & Moz-related. Still, as Oscar Wilde (a Mozza idol) is reputed to have said - talent borrows, genius steals ;)
** when I wasn't busy being, erm, miserable lol ;)