Blog Panic (or, Why I Never Became A Coder)

As with any recently acquired interest, this blog is often in my thoughts at the moment. I had a spare five minutes between meetings while I was in our office at King's House earlier today, and so I thought I'd log in to Blogger just to check on things (like you do).

Having spent a good few hours last weekend tweaking the layout and fiddling around with it until I was actually really quite pleased with how things were looking, you can imagine my dismay when I was confronted with a screen resembling the monstrosity below (only much worse):

Quelle horreur! What had happened to my beautiful blog in the time since I'd left the house and arrived at the council offices?

Then I realised: all the council PCs use Internet Explorer as the default web browser. Now, I've been using Firefox for all my interweb activities for years, and because I am not remotely l33t (aka Good At The Internet) it had never occurred to me to test my new blog layout in IE.

But clearly, this was a problem. Much as I find it hard to believe that anyone uses Internet Explorer any more when there are so many better browsers to be downloaded, I suspect that IE is still the browser of choice for the vast majority of web users.

So I started panicking that, erm, literally dozens of readers were not only being denied the opportunity to enjoy my blog in all its technicolour floral glory, they were also unable to even read the actual posts. Which entirely defeats the blog's fundamental purpose. And then I had to go into a Planning Committee meeting.

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I resumed panicking on the bus on the way home. All my poor readers having to squint at an inky screen with undecipherable posts! And even worse - how on earth was I going to rectify the layout situation? The current one had taken me ages to get to its present state (via some haphazard cutting and pasting, and a whole load of trial and error and F5-ing and guesswork) and I had absolutely no idea where to look in the lines and lines of coding in order to identify the problem. Or what to do even if I did locate the glitch.

Stuck in the rush hour rain and traffic on North Street, I did a bit of desperate Googling on my crackberry for '[layout name] blogger "internet explorer" fix', and bingo - the search returned the following phrase: Internet Explorer 6 and below cannot display PNG transparencies correctly.

"Aha!" I thought. "God only knows what 'PNG' means, but that rings a bell from all those wretched lines of XML (or whatever it is) burnt into my eyeballs after the weekend's tweaking."

So feeling a bit perkier, and before I finally resigned myself to having to go back to 'Thisaway (Green)' or some other unexciting standard template, I decided to give it one last go in IE when I got indoors.

Et voilĂ ! It all works just fine in Internet Explorer 7 (the council PCs are evidently limping on with an older version than the one I've got at home). But I've posted a caveat over there > > > > > > at the top of the page, just in case anyone operating an inferior browser chances on my blog and is put off by its apparent illegibility.

And I still think you should all be using Firefox.

PS The IE6 situation clearly isn't down to my crappy coding (*phew!*), but there are still x-amount of bad things about the code for my blog layout (eg why no blog title on the 'Older Posts' page or on individual post pages?), so if there are any kind-hearted techies out there who'd like to assist me in my quest for layout functionality, please get in touch!