The statutory “Duty to Involve” is one of several government initiatives designed to empower and involve local people. These initiatives aim to:
- involve local people in decision and policy making; and
- make councils and other public services more transparent and accountable to the electorate and tax payers.
In a bid to employ technology in the pursuit of better engagement with the community, I've signed up to the Votivation website. I must admit I'm still getting my head around how to use it properly, but participants can set up online polls and petitions, and submit (*ahem*) 'opinions'.
And Votivation called this afternoon to say they're upgrading my account as I'm an "early adopter" - woo-hoo!* You can view my Votivation page here.
*what this actually means, I couldn't say. I hope they call me back soon to talk me through it.