Some shady "Security" firm visited the Lewes Road Community Garden in the early hours of this morning, padlocking it in an attempt to keep residents out of the beautiful green space they have created on this derelict petrol station site.
Happily, residents have now gained access again, and my fellow Green councillors in St Peter's & North Laine ward are working with the group to try and negotiate an agreement with the landowners while the future of the site is decided.
The Community Garden group have also set up a petition, seeking support for the continuation of this excellent project:
"On Tuesday 9th June a security agency locked up the garden and declared the site protected. We plead and ask for your support to keep our garden open to the community, who have taken care of the space, keeping it safe, secure and creating an example of what the community can do when we pull together.
"We have repaired the fence, beautified the site and created a space that people use to come together in a way we have never done before; learning from one another, sharing experiences and forming friendships with our neighbours.
"A derelict site for years, has now been transformed by the local community voluntarily and positively to create a free space that we can all enjoy.
"Please sign our petition to keep the garden actively alive!"
I hope this project continues unmolested - this is a wonderful use of an empty site, and even after only 6 weeks the benefits to the community have been tangible. Good luck to the residents in their negotiations with the landlords.